
We are a residential schoolbuild from the 1970´s after decision of The Craftsman Association, so that the educates had a place to stay, while attending school in the capital area.

We have been functioning as such since.

Most of our residences are still educates from vocational schools, learning crafts as: painter, bricklayer, carpenter, jeweler, hairdresser, health workers and dental technician.

They are from outside of Copenhagen with long transportation to the schools here and their stay are supported by the Danish authorities.


We offer them to live here in double rooms, 3 meals a day and some social activities.That is why we have staff here from 6 am – 11 pm.


We have a very good collaboration with some universities and are therefore able to offer rooms to international students too. These rooms are all located at Bispebjerg. 


The International Students are mostly offered to live in single rooms but we do have a few double rooms if needed. 


In adverse to the educates, the International Students have more well equipped kitchens that enables them to cook their own meals.